Rasisme dan Xenofobia pada Masa Pandemi Covid-19 Sebagai Bentuk Ketidak-Adilan Sosial di Amerika Serikat

Aditya Romadhon, Margaretha Hanita


Racism and Xenophobia are several forms of action that represent injustice to ethnicities and races. However, although it is clear that this action is a form of social injustice, racism and xenophobia still occur frequently. During the Covid-19 pandemi, the United States of America (USA) also experienced an unstable condition where the situation heated up due to racist and xenophobic actions called “Asian-Hate” as a form of social injustice where Asian-Americans never even came or went to the area where the virus spread. Blamed and treated arbitrarily and inhumanely and this condition was exacerbated by President Trump's statements. This study aimed to explore how the social condition of society towards social injustice were being manifested in racism and xenophobia. This research uses a methodology in the form of literature study by collecting data from various relevant articles and documents. The results of the study showed that during the Covid-19 pandemic, America was proven to have carried out very intense racist and xenophobic acts with a variety of varied actions. Racist treatment was more widely accepted by the Asian race, especially the Asian-American group, which is "sealed" as the race that causes and spreads the Covid-19 virus.


Social Injustice; Racism; Xenophobia: Asian-hate

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.33087/wjh.v7i1.1143


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