Implementasi Hukum Progresif oleh Polri dengan Pendekatan Restorative Justice untuk Mewujudkan Keadilan
Injustice arises as a result of previous judicial regulations. The Indonesia National Police's efforts to reduce this problem are guided by progressive law with a restorative justice approach to achieve justice. Restorative justice is a method of handling criminal behavior carried out jointly by perpetrators, victims, perpetrators' families, community leaders, religious leaders, traditional leaders, or other stakeholders, which focuses on restoring the original situation and achieving a just resolution through peace. It is hoped that the National Police can achieve substantive justice through proportional, professional and intellectual law enforcement that combines scientific and progressive investigative models. This research aims to analyze the Indonesian legal paradigm in terms of the concept of progressive law, the implementation of progressive law by the National Police through restorative justice and the crime resolution mechanism through restorative justice. Deductive writing is used to obtain a thorough and in-depth understanding of the problems discussed, with the type of research being normative juridical which is analytical descriptive.
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Wajah Hukum Published by Faculty of Law, Batanghari University |